Dr. Calvin Thomsen and Dr. Leo Ranzolin
Dr. Calvin Thomsen
By School of Religion - May 29, 2024

The 2024 Spiritual Life Service award was presented to Dr. Calvin Thomsen. Calvin has a BA in Theology from La Sierra University, an MDiv from Andrews University’s Theological Seminary, a DMin from Fuller Theological Seminary and a PhD in Marital and Family Therapy from LLU. He has pastored several SDA congregations in Southern California, most recently at the Loma Linda University Church as the pastor for Family Life Ministry.

Calvin has served for many years with distinction as a professor in the Relational Studies area of the School of Religion. Given his commitment to scholarship in the biomedical and behavioral areas – such as grief and bereavement, spirituality and therapy, integrative patient care, and the neuroscience of spirituality, Calvin brings cutting-edge expertise and research into his classes, generating great discussions among his students across all the schools of LLU.

In countless ways, Calvin embodies this award of a person who is a spiritual leader that exemplifies spiritual caregiving and engagement on the campus of LLU. He is ever-present on campus; he regularly attends the events of the university and church; he is deeply involved in the life of the University church – the choir, and Sabbath Schools; he has served on committees and boards of non-profit and church related organizations; and his expansive teaching load provides him with numerous opportunities to engage, teach, and mentor students across all eight schools.

One of his colleagues, Professor Whitny Braun, affirms Calvin “for always growing and learning and continually trying to evolve into a better scholar with more and more breadth of knowledge. Not a day goes by that we pass each other in the hallway that you don't ask how you can grow and help. You are always there for our students. And you continually ask how you can be of even more service.”

As you can see, Dr. Thomsen’s commitments and life of service to Loma Linda University are noteworthy. And as he carries out these significant responsibilities, through it all, he displays a cordial, helpful, Christ-like spirit of service to everyone: administrators, faculty, the students, and staff. He exemplifies the passage of Scripture where Jesus says, “The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve” (Mk 10:45).