Bioethics Grand Rounds Video Archive

"After the Worst Day Ever: What Sick Kids Know About Sustaining Hope in Chronic Illness" (October 30, 2024)

Duane R. Bidwell, PhD

Copyright: (c) 2024 Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine Inc. This content was prepared by a US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.

"My Body, Their Baby: A Progressive Christian Vision for Surrogacy" (May 18, 2024)

Grace Y. Kao, PhD

"The Ethics of Spiritual Care" (February 7, 2024)

"Addressing Addiction Stigma in Healthcare: A Conversation" (October 30, 2023)

"Having the Conversation: ADs and POLSTs" (August 21, 2023)

Gina Mohr, MD, HEC-C

"The Epidemic of Gun Violence - The facts" (February 1, 2023)

"The Willingness to Enter into the Chaos of Another: The Ethics and Practice of Accompaniment in Healthcare" (October 17, 2022)


"When the CHiPs are Down: How the Policy M-147 Can Help Safeguard Your Patient" (August 10,2022)

Jukes Namm, MD

"The Truth Does Hurt: The Interplay of Disease and Culture in Modern History" (June 6, 2022)

Katherine Koh, PhD

"Checks and Balances" (October 1, 2020)

Judge Tara Reilly (Superior Court of San Bernardino)

Watch Video

"Medical Innovation or Human Experimentation? Primum Non Nocere" (February 13, 2020)

Jukes Namm, MD

"Immigrant Family Detention:the Duty of the Medical Profession" (October 3, 2019)

Scott Allen, MD (University of California, Riverside, California)

"Going Down Fighting: Do Patients Have the Right to Experimental Therapies?" (April 10, 2019)

Grace Oei, MD, MA, HEC-C


"What's New in the New Common Rule?: Protecting Human Beings in Medical Research" (February 20, 2019)

Nancy M.P. King, JD 


"Athens or Jerusalem? Virtues for 21st Century Professionalism" (January 16, 2019)

Mark Carr, PhD 

"Gestational Surrogacy: A Christian Feminist Account" (October 17, 2018)

Grace Kao, PhD 

"Suing the Ethics Committee: A Patient, His Surrogate, and a Procedure" (April 11, 2018)

David Chooljian, MD, JD and Grace Oei, MD 

"Physician Aid in Dying: A Theologian's Perspective" (January 10, 2018)

Joseph Kotva, PhD

"Ethics in Human Studies: Where are we Headed?" (November 15, 2017)

"Opting Out: LLUH’s Response to California’s End of Life Option Act" (October 12, 2016)

Gina Mohr, MD
Grace Oei, MD, MA

"POLST-- An Ethical Imperative" (January 25, 2012)

Paul Schneider, MD

"Medical Dollars, Moral Sense: Should We Use That New Technology?" (November 30, 2011)

Jeffrey A. Tice, MD