Zdravko Plantak, PhD
Dr. Plantak completed his B.A. in Religion and Religious Studies and M.A. in Theology and Church History at Newbold College. He continued his studies at King’s College London with a PhD in Ethics and Theology with a dissertation titled “Human Rights and Adventist Social Ethics” wherein he focused on the ethics of human rights in general as well as race, gender equality, and poverty in a global context. He subsequently published a monograph, The Silent Church: Human Rights and Adventist Social Ethics published with Palgrave Macmillan in 1998. He has served as an SDA minister in London, England, as the Chair of the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Washington Adventist University, and is presently a Professor of Religion and Ethics in the School of Religion at Loma Linda University. From 2015-2019 he was Chair of Ethics and Director of MA in Bioethics program and is since 2020 Director of MA in Religion and Society and from 2023 Director of Humanities.
Selected Publications:
- “Adventists and Ethics”, The Oxford Handbook of Seventh-day Adventism (Oxford Handbooks), Edited by Michael W. Campbell, Christie Chui-Shan, David Holland, Denis Kaiser, Nicholas Miller, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024), pp. 510-524.
- "A Prophetic Community Today: Imaginative Visionaries and Social Activists for the Third Millennium", in Exploring the Frontiers of Faith: Festschrift in Honour of Dr Jan Paulsen - Congratulatory Edition, Edited by Borge Schantz and Reinder Bruinsma, (Lueneburg: Advent-Verlag, 2009), pp. 139-155.
- “Adventist Basis for Human Rights”, Spectrum (1999), Vol. 27, pp. 16-29.
- “A People of Prophecy: Recovering the Biblical Role of the Prophets”, in The Peacemaking Remnant: Essays and Historical Documents, Edited by Douglas Morgan, (Silver Spring, Maryland: Adventist Peace Fellowship, 2005), pp. 21-34.
- “Creation Care in a Careless World”, Dynamic Stewardship, Vol. 17, No. 2. (April-June 2013); 8-9.
- “Eschatological Living: A Call to Restore God’s Justice”, Journal of Adventist Education, (Summer 2013): 9-13.
- “Filmosophy - Imaginative Moral Visioning Through Film-Thinking”, Journeys to Wisdom: Festschrift in Honour of Michael Pearson, Edited by Andreas Bochmann, Manuaela Casti Yeagley, and Jean-Claude Verrecchia, (Bracknell, Newbold Academic Press, 2015), 169-190.
- “For the Healing of the Nations: Repairers of Broken Walls and Restorers of God’s Justice”, Andrews University Seminary Studies, Vol. 48, No. 1, (2010): 17-27.
- “Open Thy Mouth for the Dumb: Social Justice Explorations in Poetic Visions”, As One Who Serves: Perspectives On Adventist Mission & Ministry to Members, Families, and Communities. Edited by John Gavin, Petr Cincala and Paul Richardson, (Center for Creative Ministry, 2023), pp. 573-596.
- “Repairers of Broken Walls and Restorers of God’s Justice”, Spectrum Vol. 38. Issue 1, (Winter 2010), pp. 52-59.
- RESTORED!: Mediating Wholeness in a Broken World, Zdravko Plantak, Editor, (Westlake Village, CA: Oak & Acorn, 2023).
- Silent Church: Human Rights and Adventist Social Ethics, (London: Macmillan Press and New York, NY: St. Martins Press Scholarly and Reference Division, 1998), [Palgrave Macmillan].
- “There Should Be No Poor”, Adventist Review (2002), Vol. 179, No. 44., pp. 10-11. [1610-1611]
- “Thy Kingdom Come: Human Rights and the Mission of the Church”, in Church and Society: Missiological Challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Edited by Rudi Maier, (Berrien Springs: 2014).
- “To Live is to Love”, Adventist Today, (Summer 2013): 5-6.
- “Universal Access to Health Care and Religious Basis of Human Rights”, Update, Vol. 20, No. 2 (June 2005): 1-12.
- “Why Should the Poor Concern Us?”, Adventist Review (Nov. 44, 2002), Vol. 179, pp. 26-30. [1658-1662].
Current Research:
- Dr. Plantak’s most recent research is in the intersection of environmental ethics, peacemaking studies and social and economic justice for the marginalized.
- The three commissioned forthcoming book chapters that are anticipating soon publications are “Turning the Other Cheek: An Exercise in Radical Peacemaking,” “Creation Care in the World of Environmental Injustices,” and “Adventists, War, and Military Service: Christian Ethics and the Military State.”
- A recent book edited by Dr. Plantak was published in 2024: RESTORED! Mediating Wholeness in a Broken World.