Grace Oei, MD, MA, HEC-C
Grace Oei is Associate Director of the Center for Christian Bioethics and Director of Clinical Ethics at Loma Linda University Health. She is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital where she works as a Pediatric Intensivist and Certified Clinical Ethics Consultant. She graduated from Pacific Union College with a B.S. in Biochemistry, obtained an M.A. in Bioethics from Loma Linda University, and graduated from medical school at Loma Linda University. Her interests include the intersection of conscience and religion in the practice of medicine, and quality improvement.
Selected Publications:
Selected Presentations:
"Spirituality in Decision Making: Support or Crutch" (July 21, 2018) - 14th Annual Pediatric Bioethics Conference
"Suing the Ethics Committee: A Patient, His Surrogate, and a Procedure" (April 11, 2018) - Bioethics Grand Rounds
"Opting Out: LLUH’s Response to California’s End of Life Option Act" (October 12, 2016) - Bioethics Grand Rounds