Yi Shen Ma

Yi Shen Ma, PhD, MA

Yi Shen Ma is an Assistant Professor of Religion and Ethical Studies at Loma Linda University. He received his BA in Music and Pre-Seminary studies from La Sierra University in 2008. Dr. Ma then pastored at the San Gabriel Chinese Company and then went on to serve in the United States Navy from 2008-2011 as a Religious Program Specialist. After this, he became a development director for Adventist Peace Fellowship for 2 years while completing his MA in Religion, Ethics, and Politics at the Claremont School of Theology. He then took his gifts to serve as an Associate Pastor of the L.A Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church and an Adjunct Professor of religion at La Sierra University and Loma Linda University. Dr. Ma then received his PhD from Claremont School of Theology. His areas of interest include Christian social ethics, spirituality, theologies of desire.

Selected Publications:
Current Research:

The ethics and practice of accompaniment in supporting patients and communities among community health workers.